UTU Results Service

22nd West London Junior

Under 14

Federation: England
Tournament Director: Tony Niccoli
Timings: Rapid Play 20 mins, plus increment of 10 secs/move
Rounds: 6
Cross Table


Pairings for round: 1 2 3 4 5 6 
1Shaoquan Shi1697A323761Jb3+w2+b4+w3+b2+w4+64411103.680.3221.0
2Lila O'Neill1239A331014Aw4+b1-w3+b4+w1-b3=413401.80-0.3013.5
3Philip Siakotos982K342822Kw1-b4+b2-b1-w4-w2=4½14680.52-0.025.5
4Julius Zhang0b2-w3-w1-w2-b3+b1-1611306 10332.0
A = Player's score
B = Number of rated opponents played (N).
C = Score against rated opponents (W).
D = Average rating of rated opponents (Rc). Not shown for unrated players if B is less than 3 or Score is less than 1.
E = Rated players: Sum of expected score for each rated opponent (We).
F = Rated players: Actual score less expected score.
F = Unrated players: Performance rating.
T1 = Tie Break using Sum Of Progressive Scores