UTU Results Service

N&N Championship 24-25

Venue: Harford CC
Federation: England
Timings: Standard Play 85 mins, plus increment of 10 secs/move
Rounds: 5
Cross Table


Pairings for round: 1 2 3 4 5 
1Vivash Samarakoon2142A350983Hb10+111   1.0
2Stephen LA Orton2113A116510Aw11+111   1.0
3Paul P Smith2025A153290Lb12+111   1.0
4Bharath Klass1798K341440Bw13+111   1.0
5Brian J Cunningham1606K288001Fbye+10     
6Malcolm Clarke1417K350705Bw7+111   1.0
7Joe Ross1767K279862Bb6-010   0.0
8James Casey1719K354106Lw14 00     
9Evghenii Sevciuc1685K342922Cb15 00     
10David W Moore1461K115708Fw1-010   0.0
11Mark Nicholls1460K344189Bb2-010   0.0
12Henry Morgan1450369518Kw3-010   0.0
13Alex Wheeler1448K353818Hb4-010   0.0
14John Lee1350371113Eb8 00     
15Amit Tripathi1338P368442Jw9 00     
A = Player's score
B = Number of rated opponents played (N).
C = Score against rated opponents (W).
D = Average rating of rated opponents (Rc). Not shown for unrated players if B is less than 3 or Score is less than 1.
E = Rated players: Sum of expected score for each rated opponent (We).
F = Rated players: Actual score less expected score.
F = Unrated players: Performance rating.
T1 = Tie Break using Sum Of Progressive Scores