UTU Results Service

Bucks Megafinal 2023

Under 12

Venue: The Reach School
Federation: England
Tournament Director: Ray Sayers
Chief Arbiter: Ray Sayers
Timings: Rapid Play 25 mins
Rounds: 6
Cross Table


Pairings for round: 1 2 3 4 5 6 
1Aditya Mittal1668A319054Hw7+b10+w5+b2+w8+b4=611625.370.130.0021.020.5
2Conor Beattie1456A340417Bb11+w6+b4+w1-b3+w8+56511414.680.320.0022.018.0
3Joshua Ley912K331545Kw8+w5-b6+b9+w2-b10+46411301.612.390.0020.514.0
4Luke Allamby1163K315529Jw13+b15+w2-b5-w9+w1=413181.450.050.0020.013.5
5Hugo Samama1204K327874Jw9+b3+b1-w4+b6=511343.090.410.0019.515.0
6Callum Ellis981A348440Dw14+b2-w3-b13+w5=b12+3½11910.90-0.400.0019.011.0
7Anish Adapa956K327713Gb1-w12+w15+b8-w10=b11+412031.220.280.0017.011.0
8Rafael Rivera Machens1170K324382Fb3-w13+b11+w7+b1-b2-35211892.61-0.610.0022.512.0
9Luke Percival946K321288Kb5-bye+w10+w3-b4-w13+34110751.35-0.350.0015.510.0
10Chang Li1020K348309Fb12+w1-b9-w15+b7=w3-4½11201.92-1.420.0019.510.0
11Brendan Ellis953A348441Fw2-b14+w8-b12=b15+w7-3011940.80-0.800.0017.08.5
12Cornelius Brandreth0w10-b7-bye+w11=b14+w6-4½978 6560.0014.07.5
13Daniel Blakey0b4-b8-w14+w6-bye+b9-2401065 3881.0015.06.0
14Emily Crook0b6-w11-b13-bye+w12-b15+220  0.0011.54.0
15Freddie Reed-Sperrin0bye+w4-b7-b10-w11-w14-1401023 3460.0014.06.0
16Alden Fawcett966K344978G00       
A = Player's score
B = Number of rated opponents played (N).
C = Score against rated opponents (W).
D = Average rating of rated opponents (Rc). Not shown for unrated players if B is less than 3 or Score is less than 1.
E = Rated players: Sum of expected score for each rated opponent (We).
F = Rated players: Actual score less expected score.
F = Unrated players: Performance rating.
T1 = Tie Break using Direct Encounter
T2 = Tie Break using Buchholz
T3 = Tie Break using Sum Of Progressive Scores