UTU Results Service

Crowborough Rapid Winter 2024

Venue: Crowborough Community Centre
Date:01/11/2024 to 29/11/2024
Federation: England
Tournament Director: David Fryer
Timings: Rapid Play 25 mins, plus increment of 10 secs/move
Round dates and times are for guidance only
Cross Table


Pairings for round: 1 2 3 4 5 
1Benjamin Pearce1314A316941Jw19+b2-b7=w15+bye+414651.421.08
2Luke Freeman1796A317545Fw1+b4+b11+33315322.300.70
3Suriya Velayudham1570K291674Fb11+w4+222   
4Michael A Redman1517K154735Fb13+w10-b3-w2-b15+25215952.08-0.08
5James Rodwell1434P370346Ab15+w16+222   
6Cyrus Fong1195A349961Db17+w8+222   
7Jacob Martin1329A359696Fb8-w1=b13+312661.70-0.20
8Arjun Prasanna1029A352434Gw7+b6-b17=310351.350.15
9David W Fryer1913K110956Lb18+111   
10Oliver Stockham1845K312395Kb4+111   
11Jon AN Lawrance1766A164145Bw3-b12+w2-13116591.92-0.92
12Elena Currah1612A295090Lw11-w18+121   
13Liam Finlay1454A349837Cw4-b19+w7-13114241.62-0.62
14Saxon Archbold1325P325181Aw15-b19+121   
15Prabhu Palanisamy1309P369445Jw5-b14+b1-w4-14113981.53-0.53
16Shravan Karthi Prabhu1107A342794Jw17+b5-121   
17Smrithi Manoj580A340383Lw6-b16-w8=½3½   
18Ben Virrels1554K357946Dw9-b12-020   
19Manoj Subramanian1426K330648Db1-w13-w14-030   
A = Player's score
B = Number of rated opponents played (N).
C = Score against rated opponents (W).
D = Average rating of rated opponents (Rc). Not shown for unrated players if B is less than 3 or Score is less than 1.
E = Rated players: Sum of expected score for each rated opponent (We).
F = Rated players: Actual score less expected score.
F = Unrated players: Performance rating.