UTU Results Service

Chalfont Slowplay 3

Venue: Chalfont St Giles
Federation: England
Tournament Director: Ray Sayers
Chief Arbiter: Ray Sayers
Timings: Standard Play 50 mins, plus increment of 10 secs/move
Rounds: 5
Cross Table


Pairings for round: 1 2 3 4 5 
1Arthur Page1546K299295Eb12+w13+b10+w6+b3+55512503.891.110.0010.515.0
2Joshan Gill1603K310794Cb10-w11+w9+b4+w7+45411024.52-0.520.0012.010.0
3Jacob Liu1773A329198Ew6-b7+w5+b10+w1-35311914.47-1.470.0015.09.0
4Nicholas Craggs1322K356167Hb9+w10-b8+w2-b6+35312033.25-0.250.0013.59.0
5Om Neil Banerjee1011P343640Jb8-w12+b3-w11+w10+35312141.751.250.0011.07.0
6Joshua Gedge1130K343448Fb3+w8=b13+b1-w4-513921.321.180.0015.010.0
7Srishwan Pasula1152P343082Ab11=w3-b12+w8+b2-513122.010.490.0013.07.5
8Advik Saxena1173A352860Bw5+b6=w4-b7-bye+411542.10-0.600.0011.08.0
9Callum Ellis997K348440Dw4-bye+b2-w13+b11=412501.110.390.0010.56.5
10Reyansh Saxena1114K352859Fw2+b4+w1-w3-b5-25214511.110.890.0018.09.0
11Emilia Pitcher925K315078Bw7=b2-bye+b5-w9=24111911.07-0.070.0012.06.0
12Brendan Ellis1084K348441Fw1-b5-w7-bye+b13=4½12141.50-1.000.5012.02.5
13Chang Li1148K348309Fbye+b1-w6-b9-w12=4½11891.90-1.400.5011.55.5
A = Player's score
B = Number of rated opponents played (N).
C = Score against rated opponents (W).
D = Average rating of rated opponents (Rc). Not shown for unrated players if B is less than 3 or Score is less than 1.
E = Rated players: Sum of expected score for each rated opponent (We).
F = Rated players: Actual score less expected score.
F = Unrated players: Performance rating.
T1 = Tie Break using Direct Encounter
T2 = Tie Break using Buchholz
T3 = Tie Break using Sum Of Progressive Scores