UTU Results Service

Berks and Bucks Congress


Federation: England
Date:26/08/2017 to 28/08/2017
Venue: St. Piran's Prep School, Maidenhead
Arbiter: Tim Dickinson
Timings: First: 40 moves in 100 mins, Finish: 20 mins
Pairings for Round 6


Cross Table Pairings for Round: 1 2 3 4 5 6 
Board White  Result Black  
132Finn, Peter1798[4]½ - ½4Fowler, Jonathan167A[3½]
147Spanton, Tim R1836[3½]0 - 11Varney, Daniel1648[4]
155Nayak, Raghav1741[3]1 - 09Watson, Darrell A1695[3]
1610Watson, Jacob1780[2½]½ - ½6Borland, Scott1756[3]
1813Verma, Shlok1596[2½]0 - 111Watson, Mikey J1724[2]
1715Shenbagakumar, Gautham1340[1]1 - 014Price, Andrew1780[2½]
198Thatte, Nishchal1541[2½]1 - 019Stoyanov, Boris1426[0]